Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Xbox 360 - Scene it? Box Office Smash w/ 4 Wireless Controllers $25 @ BestBuy

Abe Arceo

Great deal for movie buffs, trivia lovers, or social gamers - BestBuy has the Xbox 360 game Scene it? Box Office Smash that includes 4 wireless controllers for $25. Check in-store availabilities to skip the shipping charges.

Haven't played it myself, but seems like a pretty good deal. I'm absolutely horrible at movie trivia, well, trivia in general to tell you the truth. But I still like playing!

The only reason I haven't jumped on this deal is because I have a TON of Xbox 360 games I have to get through. So far, I'm backed up on Infinite Undiscovery, Ninja Gaiden II, Armored Core Four Answer, and I just recently picked up the Guitar Hero: Aerosmith from Gamestop for $10 (along with the free wired guitar!). Plus, my brother-in-law has the new Star Ocean game ready for me to I may have to bump that up on the que.

Either way, let me know if you jumped on this deal or your thoughts on the game if you've played it!

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