Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Nintendo DS - free demo for Knights in the Nightmare

Abe Arceo

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IGN.com reports that a demo for the upcoming Nintendo DS SRPG game, Knights in the Nightmare, is available for download through the Nintendo Channel.

This is a great way for gamers and SRPG fans who have never heard of this game to get a taste of Knights in a Nightmare and what it's all about. Based off of Gamespots preview, this game could be a bit of a handful:

The role-playing games on the Nintendo DS just keep on coming, and next on the horizon is Knights in the Nightmare, from Sting, the maker of Yggdra Union. This game is in a class of its own, and if you thought Yggdra was confusing and a bit of a mess onscreen, you should be warned that Knights in the Nightmare looks like a disaster--at least until you've spent enough time poring over the never-ending tutorials so that you have a clue about how to proceed.

Check out my Examiner page for the full details regarding the demo and pre-order goodies for Nights in the Nightmare.

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