Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Halo Wars fans will have a few new modes to toy around with along with a handful achievements to go along with them.
An announcement was made of an upcoming ad-on pack that will give Halo Wars gamers three new modes:
An announcement was made of an upcoming ad-on pack that will give Halo Wars gamers three new modes:
- Keepaway - Capture the flag style mode. First to three points wins
- Tug of War - Annihilate the enemy as normal, but victory is determined by what structures, resources, and units are left on the field for each player
- Reinforcement Mode - Players are given groups of units to use in battle
- One and Done (30 pts) - Get the winning point in a Keepaway game against legendary A.I.
- Pull Hard, Pull Deep (20 pts) - Win a game of Tug of War while never falling behind
- Freak on a Streak (20 pts) - From one wave of a game of Reinforcement get 15 population or more
- Living Loving Bug (20 pts) - During a game of Reinforcement, get a Scarab